Just updated my virtual system

Not that many care, but my virtual system here has been upgraded.

Next month I take delivery of more GIK components and will do a better job of showing off the entire front.



Definitely a balancing act with HT/2 channel in same room. You’re right about HT favoring a bit more absorption. Really helps with dialog and separation when thinks get busy in all channels. But it can be done, and done quite well. Listening to a well treated room at first is completely different experience and takes a while to get used to. But once you start hearing those bass notes, texture, seperation, and details it is hard to go back. But play around with the treatment and see what you like. Each room is very unique. What works in one may not work in another. I think acoustics is almost as fun as the electronics.

Very nice, man. Lots to like here. What do you use as digital music sources? I'm wondering how connected your HT and HiFi are.