The problem with streaming

As I sit here listening to America Includes: "A Horse With No Name", I realized the problem with streaming. Who knows what source material you're getting with streaming? The album I'm listening to is a Warners Brothers green label. Sonics are absolutely incredible! The band sounds like they're in the room! 

Navigating the pressings to find the best one can be challenging but that's part of the fun of the hobby. I doubt the same care is taken when generating streaming recordings. You're stuck with what they use, thus missing the incredible texture of the best recordings.

Of course, great care must be taken to set up the turntable and match all components downstream. I find the effort to be well worth it! There's just no substitute for great analog!


The fantastic fidelity you are experiencing with streaming is mine as well. At times the streaming version exceeds the sound quality I get from my excellent analog rig. But you are correct about the version being offered. Since streaming is in its infancy I am sure over time catalogs within services will become more robust with various versions and extended information available. Right now services are trying to build the biggest… some the most high Rez (Qobuz) best sounding libraries. It will come.


,On the other hand once I got used to streaming my world of music expanded so far beyond my 2,000 vinyl and 2,000 CDs that honestly if one album doesn’t have the very best ever mastering… I’ll just go on to ten other albums. Once in a while I’ll find some album and buy a heavy vinyl recording of it… although the last time I did this the streamed version sounded better… actually the last two.

I was into high end vinyl for many years. What I found and what I still believe to be true is that to get the best of what analog can give you it takes an incredible ongoing commitment of serious $$$ to set up and a lot of effort trying to keep every album in top condition. Along with that is the physical space it requires for not only the turntable setup, but a record cleaning machine (if you're really dedicated), storage for albums, consideration for temperature and humidity and on and on to some place in infinity.

I have taken the streaming plunge and am having more fun with the hobby than at any time in recent memory. Not only that, but with the amazing results I'm getting without having to 'sell the farm', causes me to start to question just what it is that's keeping audiophiles going on the analog front. I honestly don't think it's a quality difference anymore. It may be some perception that's mutually reinforced by others blindly following the same path.

I mean just check out what the album selection is versus what's at your fingertips on TIDAL or any of the other Hi-Rez services. 

But if you must keep the album around for that one or two songs that you have to go to great lengths to hear and degrades each time you play it...then Carry On my Wayward Son, but there may not be too much peace when you are done.



I could be sarcastic and say the problem with streaming is streaming.

But I won't.


Dear reubent,  I love that Rickie Lee Jones album. One of my favorites and the album does sound better and is more enjoyable than streaming. 

Qobuz and Tidal catalogs often include many album versions. When I stream with Roon as my interface it’s easy to tap the “version” icon and select from the available choices. You have to look elsewhere to see which versions were the best. The data in Roon doesn’t go that far. But there is so much more music when you stream. I find new, good, music daily.