More on the Onzow Zerodust

You may recall I posted on this back in December. Well here is more on the subject.



This video has been up since December - and it doesn't really add any new information. 

Jeez so burn me…… Actually she’d a lot more light than the Fremmer article. 

Sorry, I shouldn't have sounded harsh like that. Just meant to say, I remember seeing this in December. I don't agree with his level of paranoia. And he keeps showing the same Wallytools pics (which ARE great pics) which to me show a shocking lack of cartridge care from the USERS, not issues from the Onzow. Those big grainy particles came from buildup due to lack of proper cleaning, not some evil gel. To be fair, using Onzow alone is NOT proper cleaning. 

It looks like WallyTools, which has no financial interest one way or another, is doing more controlled experiments with the product.  Until it is completed, I think it would be best to stop using the suspect product.

I have not used gel cleaners myself.  I do know of two instances where someone accidentally pulled the cantilever out of their cartridge using such cleaners.  I suspect that they lifted the cartridge up too fast, and the force exceeded the limits of the design of the suspension (after all, the suspension is designed to resist forces from the stylus dropping onto a record, but not in the other direction).  Both cartridges were quite delicate MC designs (one was an Allaerte, the other I cannot recall), so I don't know if this should be a concern for everyone, but, I do suggest a very slow and gentle lift from the gel using the cuing lever.