Looking for nearfield passive speakers that are warm and rich

I really like my ATC Scm7s that I use at my desk but I want something warmer, richer more bassy. Something that does well with vocals and jazz.


Budget is $5000.  They are being driven by arc ref5se and pass x350.8, dac is denafrips terminator. Thanks.


@smodtactical ,No problem. You just put one one each side of the desk, tweeters inside😁 

LS3 5As with a sub under the desk. I would elevate them on small stands getting them at ear height. Kef LS50 meta would be my second choice.

My desk is towards the back of the media room. It also serves as a work bench. I just listen to the main system. At the desk I am concentrating on other things so music is purely background. All serious listening is done a few feet away in the new Stressless Max recliner that is still hanging out somewhere in Norway. 

@jackd The dealer offered me a Fyne f500 and said it was brighter but a better speaker than the JMR Folia. I don't think ill go for it but just a datapoint to observe.


Based on your original post Fyne's not the direction you want to go in.  And as to which is the better speaker that's debatable period but not in this situation.  Maybe he has more margin in the Fyne and since you haven't moved on the Folia just throwing something else.  If he's local just go listen for yourself as the people on this forum don't have to listen to whatever you buy everyday. To me based on my experience it would be an easy choice without even listening but I'm not the one listening in your room.  Make the trip and get it over with. If you're in the GTA I can't imagine many speakers you couldn't listen to in person.