For all you Bose 901 Haters!



901 memories! 1978 my bedroom was a matchbook. I hung them from the ceiling and connected to a Hafler DH500. Zeppelin 2, drove my parents and neighbors nuts! 

 Well I owned them in the 70s bought them used 901s Series 2 for $350 and when properly set up they were excellent. I hear fatiguing No,I listened to Rock,Jazz and Classical. They always sounded Great...even with DISCO,lol.I had a Sony Str 7065 which put out 70 watts and it was plenty of power to drive  them...There are still people here who are POWER crazy... I now use a Caryin 50th tubes 20 wpc.and drive Polk lsim707 and every body saids you need over 350 wpc to drive them.....Smoke another joint or relax on the Zantac. I have all kinds of SS power all different manufacturers..and I don't know but the tubes amps are 70 and been buying audio equipment since the late 60s.


Why don't the two speakers on top of the 901's match? Are they different brands?