DH labs versus audio quest, HDMI

Have heard audio quest has very good HDMI cable's but also DH labs has very good HDMI cable's and about half the price.

Always been suspicious that audio quest is kind of over priced and they carry too many Lines for the various cables. These guys offer nearly 30 HDMI cable's,  this is crazy.

My focus is audio quality coming out of an Apple TV box along with video signal.


The dh labs silver sonic HDMI cable at 1 m is about Half the price of audio quest carbon a HDMI for 219.

Or is silver sonic comparable to the audio quest cable which I believe is cinnamon for about half the price?

Very strange audio quest only offers 48 gig HDMI cable is at this point which isn't the end of the world.

Audio quest has directionality which seems to be regarded favorably. No clue what this means but sounds cool

Maybe I buy from Amazon and return it which is nice audioquest does this.

I've compared  Wire World AQ's Mocha and the DH labs silver sonic , the DH labs came out on top for both video and audio. I Recently got the newer hybrid optical hdmi and can't recommend it enough as I went back and replaced all the silver sonics save one 1mtr. 


I was disappointed when testing a $400+ Audioquest Vodka cable.  This made sense after I found out it uses very small 30awg conductors.  Audioquest does some things good, but they missed the boat on the HDMI cables.

If you want a really nice cable for a low cost, the Pangea Premier HD23PC SE HDMI cable from Audio Advisor is a good choice.  It is not the highest resolution cable, but it is very forgiving for bad source electronics (such as AppleTV and other streamers).  It presents a nice smooth sound.

The Kimber HD19e may be a good cable as well, since it uses larger silver-lated 25awg conductors.  Cardas HDMI maybe too.