Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



I use Entreq boxes for my Lumin and router. Now I have an Entreq ethernet cable with its own grounding box.

Their ethernet cable upped all of the Entreq positives you listed by several multiples.

I have never removed an Entreq box from my stereo after adding it. Never.

Atmasphere… your preamp especially your top-of-line model mp1 mk3.3 the phono stage Super Noisy as hell!  

it‘s got me beat why people play around with expensive ‘virtual earths‘ when you can make the real thing. Got an old radiator? Ham radio ops have been doing it for over a century.

Ralph is spot on. Get your ohmmeter out and discover how your connections are connected to either one another or to ground.

I have 2 earth ground rods. The first is purely the Puritan unit green ground wire through the Groundmaster device.

The second ground rod takes all my "signal grounds" out via a DIY ground box. But note that the signals are in many cases connected to the power ground through the chassis. A potential ground loop situation. So I ran a separate ground rod to make it a longer path, so to speak. I only use 12 ga "Romex" for each rod wire. About 20 feet for each to get me to Mother earth.


I’ll try to attach some photos of my DIY box. I braid 18 or 20 ga wire for my cables from components to the box to make it look sexier and use alligator clips or banana jacks.

I am only 20% successful posting pics here.