Just updated my virtual system

Not that many care, but my virtual system here has been upgraded.

Next month I take delivery of more GIK components and will do a better job of showing off the entire front.



The spades you linked would be fine for this setup (plus they come with shrink wraps), thanks.

Recently started a pen/paper list of links and passwords as this is not the first time we have lost computer stored data.

Next project (after the mini system) is recycling the 5,000, or so, Amazon shipping boxes that have accumulated over the past 2 years.





@dekay  I strongly suggest you use an online password manager.  It helps me go from phone to laptop to PC, and use secure passwords everywhere.

The only time it's a bit of a hassle is when signing in on my TV for Netflix, etc. 

@erik_squires ,

 I really like that butcher block stand! I might have to start saving for my next birthday present to myself.😁

All the best.


@erik_squires You gave me the push I need to pick up a Tidal sub. Tying Tidal into Roon immediately filled out more of the music library I've been missing when using Qobuz only. I've been wanting to consolidate my subscriptions, but instead, they're expanding. For now, I have Youtube, Spotify, Roon, Qobuz, and now Tidal. Playing with Roon over the last couple months has been interesting, but unless I can find a must-have feature, I might see if I can consolidate the last 3 or 4 subs into just Apple Music. The downside to Roon is being tied to a Roon Core. But I may keep Roon if one of the following pans out: (1) I get into music ownership, (2) if my local server sounds significantly better than a cloud server, (3) or if I get into upsampling. Maybe a fourth option is discovering that I can download music in Roon, and that playing back the downloaded music sounds better than streaming from the cloud. 

I'll check out Blue Coast Records. I haven't gotten into labels, or producers, or formats yet. 

It sounds like you use the LG TV as your streamer for video and music. That's interesting. I figured that with your setup, you would have had a dedicated music streamer. I can make a couple recommendations. (1) I put an AQ power cable on my TV. That power cable made a stupid big improvement on the picture quality. In your case, a TV PC upgrade may improve the audio too. (2) It used to be the case that the streamers built into TV's didn't age well--probably a combination of a handful of things like TV manufacturers ceasing to update the software after a year or two, the streaming hardware being cheap to begin with so that the TV meets a certain price point, and the major streaming services prioritizing major streamer apps over TV's apps. I've tried the major streamers over the years, and my current favorites are the Chromecast with Google TV and the Nvidia Shield TV (Pro). I believe the CC has the best streaming UI on the market, and the Nvidia Shield is snappier because of its more powerful hardware, it has AI 4k upscaling, and it boasts the latest video and audio standards from the streaming services. If your TV streamer ever feels sluggish or unpolished, you can keep the TV panel and keep the software experience separate. 

It sounds like you use the LG TV as your streamer for video and music.

@classdstreamer That is absolutely not correct. The TV only does the video streaming.

I figured that with your setup, you would have had a dedicated music streamer.

As I wrote elsewhere, I use Roon and there’s a Raspberry Pi 4 in a fanless case acting as a Roon endpoing which is off-camera. There’s a USB connection from there to the Mytek Brooklyn.

The Anthem HT receiver has built in Chromecast but I never use it.