We need more detail on your room, the setup spacing, type of music, volume, etc., but the 1.7is are really good sounding speakers on most...but not all...types of music. They must be minimum 3' out from the front wall. There can't be anything between them. The equilateral triangle seating position is a good place to start. They won't have much deep low end in a bigger room. And most important, they respond proportionately to the equipment that is feeding them and they absolutely love power....probably 3-500 watts minimum into 4 ohms.
I have a buddy who just bought a pair of LRS's. He tried an 85 watt high quality, $3k integrated amplifier,....no mas....they sounded at best ok...then he switched to the Parasound Halo A21...400 watts into 4 ohms...HUGE difference.
I suspect you will need to upgrade your front end if you are going to keep the Maggies.