I need help regarding tube phono preamplifiers

To the Audiogon community. I am currently considering one of three possible all tube phono preamps to incorporate in my two channel system. The three phono stages are 1.Aesthetix Rhea phono preamp 2.Zesto Andros Deluxe II phono stage and 3. Vac Renaissance phono preamp. I will incorporate the stand alone phono preamp into my McIntosh C48 preamp and utilize a Clearaudio Performance DC turntable with a Clearaudio Universal tonearm and Kiseki Purple Heart phono cartridge. If anyone has experience to help me compare the differences between these phono stages I would greatly appreciate the input. Thanks.


You are considering some very good phono stages… but if you want great sound from a turntable you should. I have owned Audio Research Phono stages for over thirty years… each time I upgraded researching intensely… but still staying with Audio Research, I currently own a ARC Reference 3 phono stage. I would have a look, although ARC and MAC tend to be in different camps with different priorities. Zesto gets fantastic reviews and VAC is no slouch. You are definitely choosing from some great equipment.

I would take the specific advice of folks that own Mac equipment. MAC is very good at midrange and bass, but is very light on details, so pairing is important. I would pose this question to the Audio Aficionados forum. There are lots of folks there with high end MAC gear that could help.

+1 on the audio research reference phono stage. I have not heard any of the ones you are considering but by the sound of they thread they are all top end ones. I have personal experience with both a Krell KPS and an audio research reference phono stage first gen.one. the audio research just kills the krell.in.my system. 

VAC is not a commonly met brand in the UK and neither is Modwright.

I have very recently heard a VAC integrated Amp Phi Beta 110i, with ESL Speakers, the inbuilt Phonostage was used with a AudioNote IO and the replay was quite impressive.

I would think that a Standalone Phonostage from VAC can be even more impressive, I would consider auditioning one if it was an easy to achieve experience.

A few years ago I was at a Enthusiasts Phonostage Bake Off, with Soulution Amps and Maxonic Speakers.

A Modwright 9.0 SE was introduced in the latter stages of the event when the higher price devices were being entered for their demonstrations.

The 9.0SE was given a Three Track Demonstration Period, and proved to be noticeably more attractive in its performance over Phonostages of a much lesser purchase value used prior to the 9,0SE being entered.

It was a mixed result when compared to devices that were closer to the value, and there were a variety of comments made about the preferred Phon's, already used, and the comments were not always favourable for the 9.0SE. My recollection of a description given and the content shared was in keeping with what I was aware of,  was that there was a Voluminous Room Filling Presentation, that was coupled with a very perceivable Bass Bloom with a very smeared decay, the Bass was pointed out as not being as attractive most of the previous used phon's and much better Bass Performance had been heard from earlier demonstrations.

When the 9.0SE was compared to Phonostages that followed it in the line up that had increased purchase price values, the 9.0 SE was noticeably not a competitor to these levels of replay being produced, the detractors from these follow up Phon's were not able to be defined during the short demonstration periods, and from recollection any model will have been worthy of a home audition.  

It will be hard to determine how a Phonostage will work within a system through pre-empting the performance on offer, being offered descriptions is only a small proportion of what is valuable to make a choice.

Most Source Owners that take LP replays seriously, do not share the same TT > Tonearm > Cartridge and Phonostage, each has their own unique preferences. 

If an extension of time can be allowed for to prepare for a purchase, the arrangement of Demonstrations within a System will go along way, these will help understand a trait offered by the Phon' and see it there is a attraction or detraction.  A home demonstration is very important to finalise an assessment, as this is where the living with the choice made will take place.