Hana Umami Red or Lyra Kleos?

I’ve found out about two or three cartridges in my price range of $3000 -$4000 that should work well within the limitations of my Luxman 505uX Mk II’s built in phono stage. The other cartridge is the Soundsmith "The Voice" MI cartridge. Next I’ve had to figure out which are also compatible with my VPI Classic 2’s JMW 10.5i tonearm (with or without the VPI two pivot mod).

I’ve been informed off my short list, the Hana Umani Red and the Lyra Kleos both appear to have the right specs to be appropriate candidates for use with the VPI JMW 10.5i, However the Soundsmith "The Voice" would have weight and/or compliance issues.

Have any of you advice as to which of either the Hana Umami Red or Lyra Kleos MC cartridges you might prefer? I’m pretty sure these are both excellent choices, but may have some differences you might be able to point out, I’m a bit disappointed the Soundsmith "The Voice" might not match up well with the VPI JMW 10.5i tonearm, but so it goes. Thanks for any advice and sharing your experience with either of these cartridges.



I second the VPI tonearm horrible characteristics.

Don’t waste your time and money with VPI unipivot, not worth the fishing line that uses for anti skating.

I love the Umami, specially at its price.


Astolfor, what is it you like about the Umami?. Have you ever had a chance to listen to a Kleos to compare? That information would be helpful. Debating the unipivot is an issue for another time, since getting both a new cartridge and a new tonearm is out of the question budget-wise .


I have a Sound-Smith Paua II mounted on a VPI JMW Memorial uni-pivot arm ( Prime Signature) and love it. The Paua is in your price range. Don't know why no one has mentioned it. And what's so bad about the uni-pivot arm? It may appear "unstable" but it tracks flawlessly.

@mr_m , when you use qualifiers such as "way" you automatically disqualify your opinion. No audiophile cartridge is "way" better than another unless one is defective. 

@skyscraper, that is what I said. The Kleos is a better performer than the Umami. It tracks better and has less distortion. Much less distortion. Johnathan Carr may just be the best cartridge designer currently alive. In my eyes...excuse me, to my ears there is no better cartridge than a Lyra. Only My Sonic and Ortofon come close. I think if you ask @rauliruegas he will back up that opinion. Who knows, maybe not! However, his opinion is the only one I would have confidence in when it comes to cartridges, tonearms and phono stages. 

I prefer the Hana Umami slightly warmer tone its more foriving on most crappy recordings but excellent on the best of the best recording too. Depends from systems to system but the hana is more musical overal to my ears.