used CDP recommendation for use as transport

I am looking for a secondhand CDP to buy in order to strip it down and use the parts in a diy system.
I need a unit with a digital coax output that I can then feed into a 1545 NOS DAC. I will then add a modded T-amp, and put it all in a single custom (homemade) housing
My budget for the CDP is probably up to £100 ($200), but I would rather spend less (the goal is to make a low cost - high end second system with some novelty value). I will be making some matching speaker cabinets for a pair of Fostex FE127E.
My main requirement is to have the best possible signal (for the price)from the digital out.
I also need a unit that has a cd drawer that can be opened and closed by the remote.
Current ideas: Marantx cd67/63 SE.
I welcome ideas and opinions.
Thanks in advance.
Any model that uses their "cdm-14" or higher. As you say, many models around -- 300/330/90/900/ etc. Sorry I can;t be more specific.

As a transport mechanism, however, the Teac is probably a slightly better tool. They're rugged but don't offer spare parts (i.e. the laser)
I used the Marantz SA8260 as a transport for about a year, and it was amazingly good.
Although I have tried the Oppo 871 on both a Monica 2 and the Paradisea, I didn't like it's PRAT. The notes tended to decay too quickly- didn't draw me in. I have yet to beat my US$40 Cyber Home CH DVD 300 purchased at Best Buy in the states.
see if you can pick up a used Sony DVP-S7700 dvd player. Solid built and has a good transport.
I used it to feed a Bel Canto DAC2 and it was really nice.