@sns, we definitely can all get along. When I said "The problem with streaming" it wasn’t meant as a putdown.
I’m sure you’re aware that there can be a huge difference in sound quality between pressings of albums since you have a very nice collection. The better your system, the more dramatic the difference in sonics between those pressings. You can probably tell the difference between vinyl and CD of the same release. If you have the best vinyl pressing of a particular release, I’m sure you know that it kills your CD version if your analog rig is set up perfectly. We spend a good deal of money on our systems, room set-ups, treatments, etc.
Because of all these factors, it is very important to me to listen to the best available source material regarding vinyl. A great pressing maximizes the potential of our components. The couple of hours I spend listening each time, hearing great sonics of releases that I love make for an amazing listening session.
All I was saying about streaming, is there’s really no way that you can be sure you’re hearing the best version because in most cases you don’t know the source material that was converted to digital.
We all have different details that matter to us when listening to music and that’s cool. It’s nice to live in the first world where there are multiple source options that best fit our preferences.