Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?

I never heard his amps, but some writers say just that - nothing transistor sounds better.
What do you think ? 
I listened on youtube a few systems with D'Agostino amps and preamps and liked a lot what I heard.


I had d’Agostinos, and loved them in one of my rooms, but I also had NH458, which I upgraded to NH468, while I waited I was loaned a NHB108, in a month I gave my d’Agostino to the dealer, kept the NHB108 and the NH468.

One does not have to spend €180k to get close to heaven.. 

Once you hit the upper echelons of performance, "better sound" becomes even more subjective than otherwise. IT comes down even more to personal preference to determine what is best. Build quality is another issue and is probably less subjective, but alone build quality does not necessarily mean "better sound". The best products tend to be built by the smartest and most capable designers who will choose the parts needed to meet their goals. Depending on the target market, they may decide to always use the best most expensive components or those that may cost less but meet the requirements of the design just as well as the more expensive parts. Quality control and assurance is always key no matter what.  That is really what separates good products from the pack, especially when one is paying a premium for a supposedly "superior" product.


I'm quite pleased with my Pass gear. I have no calling on driving a .9 ohm load and I suspect neither do most folks. Mosfet mist? a term i've not heard in eons, yet in any event, I don't have any mosfet mist- 

However, Pass certainly isn't for everyone and all I can say Pass amps are among the better amps around (and not mid-fi as has been recently suggested by a frequent youtube creator). 

My iPhone amp paired with my YouTube pre-amp is the best combo / sound I’ve ever heard!  So glad I found this thread.