C49- or c8 preamp

I currently own an McIntosh c49 and thinking about switching to a tube preamp. I am not able to listen before I buy. I am interested in opinions on which you prefer (c49 or c8). Also any opinions on the McIntosh c2700 or audio research LS28SE Line-Stage would be appreciated. Tho, not sure I want to spend the extra cash to get one of these 


Current set up

McIntosh C49, McIntosh mc312, vandersteen treo CT.







Get the Mac pre-amp you want.  There are a ton of Mac dealers. You can probably find a Mac dealer that would love to take your old preamp in trade and let you take home a new tube Mac preamp. 

I would recommend considering the C22.  I just purchased, updated the tubes - amazing. I am using a Levinson No. 333 amp. There pair very well.

I used to have C2600 - it helped me rediscover my love of music.

The nice thing about the McIntosh preamps is their internal phono stages are solid.  If you go with ARC you'll need a phono stage