Pearl Acoustics Sibelius Speakers

Hi, Anyone have any experience with the Pearl Acoustics Sibelius Speakers? I just recently came across these speakers and I have been watching many of their YT Videos. Looks really interesting to me but not many independent video's on them from what I can find. Thanks Jay


Thanks for the link to this video.

I did see this YT review by Thomas but will be reviewing it again.

Hoping to hear feedback from people who actually have these speakers.


Curious how these would compare with Cube Audio designs. Has anyone at 6 Moons or single driver fans on this site reviewed and compared these yet?

I'm also curious.

(2) amps - Willsenton R8 and Decware Zen 25th anniversary. 

I have been very interested in knowing more about the speakers from experts and have found very little info. Please let us know what you find and if you have an opportunity to listen to them directly tell us. 

Best regards