Hana Umami Red or Lyra Kleos?

I’ve found out about two or three cartridges in my price range of $3000 -$4000 that should work well within the limitations of my Luxman 505uX Mk II’s built in phono stage. The other cartridge is the Soundsmith "The Voice" MI cartridge. Next I’ve had to figure out which are also compatible with my VPI Classic 2’s JMW 10.5i tonearm (with or without the VPI two pivot mod).

I’ve been informed off my short list, the Hana Umani Red and the Lyra Kleos both appear to have the right specs to be appropriate candidates for use with the VPI JMW 10.5i, However the Soundsmith "The Voice" would have weight and/or compliance issues.

Have any of you advice as to which of either the Hana Umami Red or Lyra Kleos MC cartridges you might prefer? I’m pretty sure these are both excellent choices, but may have some differences you might be able to point out, I’m a bit disappointed the Soundsmith "The Voice" might not match up well with the VPI JMW 10.5i tonearm, but so it goes. Thanks for any advice and sharing your experience with either of these cartridges.



Gsai, the Soundsmith Paua is one of the first cartridges I looked into for the reasons you mention. Unfortunately its specs indicate it is not compatible with the built in phono stage on my Luxman 507uX MkII integrated amp. I even sent an email to Soundsmith a week or so ago to verify that just in case, but have yet to hear back from them.

Mijostyn, thanks for the follow up reply. I did read some posts by Mr. Carr in a related thread on a different forum that were quite interesting. I believe Raul did mention the Hana Umami Red as a possible choice in my more general thread on this topic last week. I did ask him for his thoughts on Lyra vs the Umami above, but haven’t head back here yet. That might be interesting.

Your comments on the Lyra Kleos attributes are in keeping with reviews i’ve been reading recently on the Kleos. .I’ll have to call and check on its’ availability and price soon as I finish responding to folks replies here. Thanks again

Phantom_av, you’ve spelled out some of the descriptions I’ve I’ve been running across on reviews of the Umami, musicality and warmth. I’ve never quite understood what constitutes warmth, other than in general analog might be warmer that digital. It’s something I need to learn more about because I normally am drawn to clarity and detailed presentation, like my Magico A3’s are known for.

Jbhiller- thank you

Tablejockey- "you’re absolutely right about being in the "wallet opening zone". That’s funny.. Then you go ahead and pour salt into that wound by suggesting I get a speed control, on top of the tonearm, and phono stage upgrades everyone’s suggesting in addition to an already expensive cartridge I’m chasing after. So cruel. I am not quite up there with the high rollers, And just when I thought I’d hit the big time with the VPI Classic 2 and Magico A3’s.

You’re likely correct $3-4000 might be a bit much to spend on a cartridge for a VPI Classic 2, but it does leave room for the tonearm upgrade some of the well heeled rascals here are convincing me should be in my future along with filing for bankruptcy.

Bobbydd, please don’t be agreeing with the nefarious tablejockey. A Hana ML might be a better match for my system, as so is my current Ortofon 2M Black. But I’m trying to do what it takes to make a significant enough cartridge upgrade to push through to a significant performance improvement.

I asked about this suitability issue on my previous thread and Raul for one didn’t think that $3-000 or more for a cartridge was overkill for my VPI Classic 2, but a bottom figure to achieve this type of improvement. He did bust me on the unipivot tonearm the Classic 2 has though, so future improvement could be needed in that department.

Tomic601, I am planning on the dual pivot mod as a stopgap. That sounds like a good suggestion. I’ll have to look up what a HRS turntable base is.

Thanks again all for your input,


Would using a Soundsmith Counter Intuitive device put on the counter weight of a VPI Unipivot help? I know this device is used mainly to correct azmuth issues, but wonder if it would improve the stability of the unipivot.

That’s a good question mr-m. I’ll ask Soundsmith when I next contact them. I was reading up on the Counteri Intuitove which I stumbled upon why researching cartridge last week. Had never heard of it before. I wondered if it was worth having for it’s designed purpose, but maybe more so if it would positively affect unipivot stability as well.



I REALLY enjoy my VPI Classic. Wouldn't have kept it if I felt I wasn't hearing at least a good chunk of what I hear in a super table.

Setup is paramount.

That said, my thinking is maximize my cart choices in the $1-2k price point(just over a 1/3 of the table. Phonostage that will handle Lyra Kleos level when the next upgrade  comes.

VPI Classic looks like a traditional table, which I like.

I can hear it's speed inconsistency with the acid test-sustained organ(Marcel Dupree and E Power Biggs fan) along with R&R guitar power chords(I like to play along on my guitar) keeping a fresh belt on helps. Once it starts to wear  and becomes smooth, it gets noticeable. This of course is just my experience. 

Enjoy yours, I certainly  do! 


I don't find the SS CI  helping stability. I don't find the VPI unipivot a big fuss. I put it on an LP, it does its thing. It may appear shaky a second or two in the lead in grooves, but appears steady once the music starts. Definitely makes setup easier. 


FWIW, I had a Lyra Delos mounted on a JMW 10.5i on my VPI Aries 3. I really like the uni-pivot arm and it was rock solid. I didn’t run any anti-skate and the delos tracked great and sounded excellent to me. I am using very nice lateral rack and have HRS E1 isolation bases under everything. I am on a concrete slab so the rack is spiked directly to the concrete.

I did have the aries table on a lesser rack on a wooden floor and the uni-pivot arm danced around a bit but settled in. A bit off topic, I wonder if those who don't like uni-pivot arms tend to have systems not on concrete? 

I would buy another Lyra in a heartbeat.