Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC

Hi, does anybody have any experience with the Musical Fidelity kw DM 25 Transport and DAC?

I avtually owned the MF KW DM25 Transport and DAC. It sells around 6000 euro in Europe. It played fine on low volumes but when playing louder it was realy nervous sounding.

I think this is one of the lousiest CD players in this price range. They price it like a highend CD player but it is average at best. My old Meridian 508-24 played much better.

I compared it next to a Wadia 581, Krell KPS28C and a Audio Research CD7. They all completely wiped the floor with the MF combo. The difference was not subtle, it was HUGE.

I suggest you either buy a cheaper CD player or save a little bit more to buy a real highend cd player.

I agree with markmccartyco.
I've had the KW dm25 transport and dac system since 1997. And it's still a great sounding combination! I'm using the tube section rather then the solid state!
Are there owners who use other AES/EBU cables then the standard MF cables between the DAC and transport?
You can only connect the dac/transport with XLR cables. A long time ago I replaced the standard MF cables with Cardas Golden Reference. Huge difference.
For all the MF naysayers on this thread, my MF kW 25 dac +transport has been in my system for 8+ years and I can't see myself replacing it. It's that good.
In the interest of full disclosure : it's a predominantly vinyl system