Hey @Holmz
Unfortunately most of those discussions do not actually provide new information, a new perspective, or new methods of evaluation and test. The arguments tend to pool around whether the scientific methods which are in the domain of common hobbyist knowledge are adequate to explain perceived phenomenon. At a certain point you have been in this hobby long enough to know it’s not productive, either in learning something new or in changing minds.
I have concern for others who would be open to discussion as to how and why we choose the things that we do, and whether there is a good process for doing that.
And that’s a much better discussion. It’s the listener’s wallet, lifestyle and value system which to me matters most.
^agree^ and well said sir.
@atmasphere nailed it.
And there was a RM video where the fellow that makes test equipment (the one that Amir on ASR uses) was talking about that they need to measure “other things” to correlate what is heard.
So there is some room to go in bringing subjective things into alignment with objective measurements… and that work is on the objective side of things.