Personal taste alone CANNOT be the LAST and only word and the last and only stage in our audio experience...Personal taste must be motivated andinformed by a meaningful process...
In our journey we must correlate our own taste and subjective perception to an INCREMENTAL process of listening experiments in mechanical, electrical amd acoustical dimensions of the working system...
Taste alone is not meaningful but deceptive and the means by which consumerism marketing methods target us and limit our own thinking window...
This is already the case and evident in all audio thread...
For sure we all like our subjective experience when we pick the right components but this does not means that there is no place for the most important process in audio : optimization of the part and of the whole in our room...
This optimization is impossible without listening experiments in the three embeddings dimensions especially acoustic...
Taste without experiments is deceptive ....
Gear upgrade without acoustic experience and basic control is meaningless taste choice and uneducated biases...
Biases must be educated by a learning process...Like a musician in the process of educating his own biases:this is learning...
Subjective perception must have the last word in any audio experience , yes, but subjective perception must be correlated with objective experiments in acoustic to become educated...
Uneducated taste is ignorance... there is bliss in ignorance also for sure.... But the goal of audio and music experience is also educated higher meaningful experience...
A crocodile tasting his rotten victim corpse call it the higher culinary bliss also...
i prefer another kind of bliss.....
Then taste correlated to no acoustic fact, nor to any other electrical and mechanical experiments save a brand name in gear plugged in the wall is only ignorance...
Taste+acoustic= educated experience
Am i right? Am i wrong?
I am in the process of correlating which is right or wrong, and i call it acoustic listenings experiments...