Just read up on them over on Wikipedia and an article at The Guardian. Lots of alt right neo-Nazis that were their own entity but incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, which means not all of them are, just that group.
As for the last 8 years, that aligns with when Russia seized those territories that were not theirs to begin with and put their people in charge of everything and then claiming it was always Russians who lived there. One can see why they object to them for being occupiers all this time so Putin would have a reason to invade and seize more territory, which is exactly what he's doing.
Quite the mess but this has been gone over in the press all the time while it's happened and now we have a name for some of the fighters defending Ukraine, the Azov. Bad as they are, letting Putin in to slaughter everyone else is not the answer and wrong for a reason to hide behind.
As for fake videos and data, care to point any of them out?
All the best,