Vapor Cirrus Black vs dc10 Berlin Studio Monitor

Anyone had a chance to listen to either of these loudspeakers? Any opinions on the sound of either?
Unfortunately I can't offer insight on the sound of the DC10, but do have some thoughts on comparing the quality of parts between the two. I had something on order from Vapor Audio, but decided to cancel because of a new contract at work that will have me working 80+ hour weeks for awhile. And was also very interested in the Berlin since woodturning is a hobby of mine.

The decision to go with Vapor basically came down to parts quality - a RAAL tweeter vs a $15 chinese silk dome, $300 AudioTech woofer vs $70 chinese Aurum Cantus woofer, stacked ply cabinet vs Parts Express MDF cabs with some hardwood glued on. And being an engineer, some of the DC10 specs made no sense - like 98db sensitive? Not possible with that woofer, not even close.

Basically with internet direct you have to take a leap of faith at some point during the purchasing process. I'm far more comfortable doing so with a company that uses top shelf components and construction, provides ample measurements, and that has a design philosophy and specs that make sense.

That said, they both will be at RMAF this year and I look forward to user impressions after the show.
The Cirrus Black is excellent; on my hearing, it does in fact punch way over it's weight price (and size) wise. Lots of info both here and on AC.

While I can not make an accurate comparison on of the 2 models you mentioned, j_fav seems to have done a good analysis of vspor cirrus versus similar products in terms of ate real inputs. I did a similar aalysid and hace an order in on cirrus white. Basically, Ryan at vapor is really knowledgeable and focuses on top quality parts, construction and engineering.

I think the black is in a very different league from the Berlin. More appropriate comparison would be, in my opinion, rhadio c1.1, ridge street audio sasson and dynaudio c1.
Yes, heard them at RMAF. Well, I listened to the new Vapor Arcus, so in the same price league as the Berlin. I also listened to the smaller Briton, and did not know about the Chinese parts. Good to know.

Their sound characteristics are different, so it comes down to what you prefer. I found the sound of the Berlin to be a little more relaxed while the Arcus edged out the Berlin in dynamics. I think I was hearing the amplifiers.

The Cirrus Black that John mentions is 87.5dB, so that affects the amplification. The white is more efficient. The Berlin's were being driven by a 1.8 watt(2A3)Tektron amp, so they must be very efficient.

I thought both speakers sounded excellent for their price point, overtaking more expensive brands.

I had a lot of fun at the show. What I also enjoyed on the opposite ends of the spectrum were the Emerald Physics CS2P ($3,000) and the Rethm Maarga ($9,000). The first, super dynamic and punchy with good soundstage, the other extremely relaxed with amazing depth of sounstage. I think within this price range you're trading natural sound with dynamics to find something that works best for you.

For me and my grey hair, I preferred the Berlin speakers but the parts have me worried.