Best Recycled Streamer?

I was thinking about a reasonable streaming source for use in the system in my shop, such as an Allo Digione. I'd like it to be a Roon endpoint.  It occured to me that a used cell phone, ipad or even an old laptop would fill the bill rather nicely. So my question is has anyone read or have knowledge of which would be the optimum choice with respect to sound quality. I figure by dedicating the device as a streamer I could unload most of the software and shut down any unused services to try to eliminate unnecessary activity and noise on the device. I'd probably be hooking it up to a low to medium cost dac such as a topping or Chord Mojo. My guess is an ipad might be the best choice as long as it is new enough to run the Roon software. I use Apple devices so that is what I need advice on.

Ag insider logo xs@2xbruce19

I don't use Roon, so I'm just guessing here.  It sounds like your desired Roon endpoint would be wirelessly connected to your network.  This is generally undesirable for consistent sound quality, regardless of player software.  That wouldn't be an issue if you just wanted to play local files from the ipad.  However, then it's more than an endpoint and will need a bigger set of the Roon software.

I'm a fan of the Allo products as well.  The next step up would be something like the Sonore microRendu (there's one on ebay right now with an LPS for $380).


@petaluman  Contrary to the experience of many here I have generally found wifi to be a superior delivery path for audio in my house. I have a mesh network so connectivity is good everywhere. My Auralic Aries actually recommends wifi over  a wired connection. When I see how many feel the need to use sometimes pricey  fiber and things like the Ethernet Regen to solve problems associated with the ethernet  I live in a non-congested area, somewhat rural so maybe I have less ambient  RF.  As far as bandwidth wifi has way more than necessary for even the highest resolution audio signal and I have no kids at home anymore so the netork is never overloaded:-)

FYI for others the chip shortage may have hit the Rasperry Pi world, I am finding them pretty much unavailable at un-inflated prices. ie what was $35 is now $100+.


@bruce19 Thanks for sharing your experiences.  I readily admit I don't have the most recent wifi setup - I'm using an N device, I think.  I do find video streaming can be laggy, but that could be on the sender side.  I am very curious why Auralic prefers wifi, though.  Do they re-clock the digital feed internally?

However, the OP's system is the one in question, and we know very little about their planned Roon configuration or how they're connecting.  That's why I tried to keep my post fairly general.