Western Electric or Takatsuki 300Bs?

I'm building a pair of 300B Parallel SET monoblocks and want to fit them with a premium set of 300Bs (two per channel). From what I've read, I've pretty much narrowed it down to these two tubes. The Takatsuki tubes are a bit more expensive (based on Parts Connexion price) and have a much shorter warranty, so I'm leaning toward the WE reissues. 

I read Terry London's Stereo Times review and he seemed pretty enthusiastic regarding the WE tubes. Anyone heard both of these in the same amp? 

If your gonna spend good hard earned money on psvane China junk send money to me I will throw it away for you



Am I to believe you think Takatsuki are made in China? They are not. They are made in Japan. I have lived and worked in Japan and China over many years and take offense at your gross characterization of a culture. I have the highest respect for the working people of Japan. As a people, they are incredibly hard working and meticulous and far more courteous than an average american. The products from China are much more varied depending on the vendor. But iPhones and some of the most precision made electronics come from there. I am very humbled by the wonderful people that I know there.

Ok let’s try this again read my statement …does it not say PSVANE PSVANE PSVANE PSVANE PSVANE WHERE IN MY STATEMENT DOES IT SAY TAKAtsuki….???? All audio made in China is junk PERIOD ?…end of discussion 


Post removed 

I hope it is not the case, but, I suspect that you will have to be concerned about one tube becoming prematurely weak in your parallel SET setup.  I have not heard of any "cure" for this condition, and certainly Audio Note amps were prone to this happening.  I have a pair of Kageki parallel SET (2a3) that has this as an issue.  The thing is that the amp continues to sound very good even when one tube in a pair tests quite weak.

Good luck on your build and on your search for 3oobs.