Recommendations for automatic tonearm lift

I am considering an automatic tonearm lifter for a Sota Sapphire with a Rega 700 tonearm. Any recommendations / comments? Many thanks in advance for any input.


I have one called a 'Q Up' it works fine, in being very sensitive, and not too exuberant when triggered. 

This version has an oblong shape and can be a little more flexible in being able to be set up at an ideal positioning, that is not obstructed by the TT Chassis and Tonearm Base.

There is also a basic design as a method to enable a Height Adjustment.

Once in position it can be held in position by a Blu Tak material of similar.

I don't know if all TT's are compatible with a Tonearm Lift, especially a design that has a large base, but the use of one can be quite reassuring if a loss of attention is a possibility.

I’ve the pricey one with the stupid name, "The,Little Fwend". It looks good’, installs easily, gently lifts the tonearm and works every time.. It garners excellent reviews and is well worth the outlay. You can price it at Music Direct. Check out this video from Michael Fremer’s Analog Planet..


Say hello to my Little Fwend! Seriously…good stuff. I have it on my MoFi UltraDeck and love it. Easy to use just remember to press it down before you play a record. 

It does take a minute to remember to reset the Little Fwend by pushing the arm back down each time before you play a record side, but it quickly. becomes a habit to do so. Maybe you have to do the same with the other models listed above too.