REL T7x or T5x for Small Room

I am looking to add subwoofers to my system.  My listening room is approximately 10' X 10' and I have a pair of Harbeth P3ESR XD's.  The room has wall to wall carpeting with padding.

The T7 is really overkill for the room, but has a front firing driver and passive below.  The T5 is a better fit for the room but only has a bottom firing driver.  I am concerned that I may lose some potential imaging with a bottom firing sub.

Are my concerns valid?


Two subs are much better than one…four better than two. So big, not necessary better.



IME imaging does not suffer at all with a down firing sub woofer. Adding a couple of subs is a great way to go. To the OP, in your room size, i would probably start with one T5x and then see if you can add another. 

I was in same position, and dealer asked me to try T/9i which surprised me, but it works sub can work great if you have a single listening position and the flexibility to place the subwoofer where it sonically needs to be (I was told this by the 4 sub guys, and it works in my situation)...mains are Maggie LRS...

I just ordered 2 T5x units.  If ordered through REL you have 60 days to evaluate.  I have a feeling that I will be going with 2.