Auditioning The Fyne 703 Soon

I have had my von Schweikert DB 99se loudspeakers almost 17 years and they still sound good to my ears but I am intrigued by this new company. I will let the Forum know my impressions. These new loudspeakers should match up well with my PrimaLuna integrated amplifier
Another big fan of Fyne speakers here. I flew down to Florida to audition the F704s back in the spring and bought them on the spot. Nearly seven months later, absolutely no regrets. In my system, they are musical, brilliantly balanced speakers. Furniture grade build as well.

Do let us know. I can only say that from a design perspective. It has pluses and minuses. It is quite efficient allowing a larger choice of amps. It has controlled directivity which should make room acoustics less of an issue and it's coaxial drivers should image as well as a multi driver dynamic speaker can. What would worry me? The midrange to tweeter crossover is 1st order at 850 Hz, that is real slow and low which can be very dangerous for tweeters. It is an efficient speaker but if someone uses them in a large room with a bigger amp = tweeter toast. It still is going to need a subwoofer to produce bass below 50 H with authority. I am not a fan or ported systems. They generally do not provide the cleanest sharpest bass. I grew up with infinite baffle Bozaks. The first time I heard a ported system I thought there was something wrong with them. It is an interesting port design, slot loaded with a secondary baffle. I am sure it will sound interesting. Are they worth $14,000? For $8000 you can have Magnepan 3.7is. For $15,000 Sound Labs 545s. Both really require sub woofers but then so doesn't the Fyne although the Sound Labs are most dependent. Certainly the Fyne has a better waf score. The Fynes are for certain a different breed which makes them interesting.

I went to listen to the F703s a few weeks ago and also bought them on the spot, although the fact the proprietor offered to sell me the demos at a nice discount didn’t hurt. Still dialing them in and really liking what I am hearing and so far my only possible regret is that I didn’t get the F704s, my thoughts were that the 75mm tweeter vs. the 25mm on the 702 was more important than the 250mm drivers on the 703 vs. the 300mm on the 704 in my room. Very nice speakers