Recommendations for automatic tonearm lift

I am considering an automatic tonearm lifter for a Sota Sapphire with a Rega 700 tonearm. Any recommendations / comments? Many thanks in advance for any input.


@ skyscraper The content I have been supplying has also been for an individual who might revisit this type of information in the future.

It will offer a description of things to consider when choosing a Ancillary Tonearm Lift and is not really meant to be a Brand Promotion.

I knew a from my observation that a round base was not compatible with my go to TT's Chassis / Tonearm Interface, so chose the model that could be used without impeding the positioning, most importantly a little catnap is not so concerning with this type of device in use. 


No problem. and I don’t mean to be hawking the Little Fwend. I’m an end user and just happy with mine even though it was kind of pricey. Don’t mean to get this thread off track either.


I have tried AT, Tru-lift and Little Fwend lifts and Little Fwend was by far the best.