Flagship product to build around

While my current system sounds good to me I know it can be better.  I do believe that vinyl makes it easier to take the next step in sound reproduction but the hassle involved of cleaning, storing and just the limited play time of an album side  removes it from my consideration for this question.

I want to build my system around a flagship product.  Where would I start?  My listening area is large my musical preference is female vocalists and I prefer lower power SET amps and really efficient speakers.


I agree with others that the preamp is the most important component.   I should say “amplification “ is the most important thing to build around.   Take two identical pairs of good speakers.   Power one pair with top notch electronics,  power the other pair with a receiver and the difference should be pronounced 

My formula has been buy the best speakers that I could afford, then when I upgrade my electronics I do it on a larger scale, better than most would spend , but then once the electronics are sorted out get even better speakers , repeat.




Currently running the entry level Decware  2 watt integrated amp with tubes from the 50's and 60's into Speaker Lab corner horn (khorn clones) using a MHDT Orchid DAC with the 6922 adapter.  It gets loud enough when using a single sub but as you know there's always more.  I'm not using a preamp but have an old Luxman CL35 (for vinyl) and a Schitt Sega + for remote volume if I need it.

The room just works.  it's a big L shape almost 30ft long with a staircase that bisects the bottom of the L with a half wall.  This gives me two good corners 18ft apart.  The inner elbow of the L is two 45% angles creating a non parallel space just behind the listening area about 12 ft from the front wall.    The space is open behind me and to the right with 9ft ceilings.  

I'm currently throwing a blanket over the big screen when I listen which tightens everything up.  

When I bought the speakers I was intending to upgrade them with either the Volti or ALK horn, crossover upgrade but they sounded so good that I'm not sure that's the place to start which is why I asked the question.  

What is a piece that I can build around that will improve what I have today but won't be the weak link as the system evolves?


It is very hard to argue with speakers. But I would start with a preamp. The heart and sole of a great system. For me it would be an Audio Research Reference preamp. Outstanding preamps come from Conrad Johnson, and VAC and a few others. (My system show under my ID)

If there is a conclusion I have come to over the last fifty years is musicality is more important than details and slam… and it doesn’t sound like you are headed down that route, so that is good. It brought me to all tube equipment. I agree getting to exalted levels is easier with analog. 

Excellent speakers plus a flagship, preamp, phonostage, and amp. If you choose say a flagship Preamp… you know that is committing youself to a system of flagships or you are not going to be getting the most out of that component… although I did and would again get a flagship preamp long before I could afford the rest of the system. Next step is going to be a phono stage…. So important!


By the way my digital streamer and analog end sound very similar… neither is really better.. and they roughly cost the same. You can do that today. I recommend tubes which ever way you go.


‘Also my room is much like yours a big L with lots of asymmetry. The best room I have ever heard… and my dealer who has implemented many $200K systems over the last twenty years agrees… and likes my system best as well. Incredibly musical and detailed. Just fun and relaxing to listen to hour after hour.

I guess my point is many a speaker has been sold because it was under served by mediocre electronics. Yes speakers are important but the speakers I really want won’t fit my current space, so I have their little brother. They respond well to changes upstream so I am wringing every bit of performance I can get out of them