McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



@schw06 I think your post is spot on.  I also think 'awesome' is subjective and changes over time.

I've had McIntosh gear and while I have moved on to other brands it was because i was looking for something I found during auditioning for an upgrade. 

My McIntosh stuff sounded great, brought me hours (perhaps months, or years) of listening pleasure.  I get the same joy with my new gear and also visiting a friend who has a nice system.

I salute everyone who enjoys music and think there are many great manufacturers and DIY kits for every type of music fan, listener and audiophile.

They haven’t used point to point wiring since the invention of the printed circuit board. 

I have observed that in this hifi hobby so many peeps have really odd ideas of what good quality is in equipment.

@troidelover1499 ,99% of solid state gear regardless of price uses PCB.  FYI, not everyone embraces tubes.  What high quality equipment do you have?

"real audiophiles...know it doesn’t sound that good"...

Sounds like some people want to gatekeep what a "real audiophile" is when the term is based on sound preference. To push that exclusivity is pointless because all you have are a bunch of farts chasing what their own idea of "good sound" is while arguing a point that isn't really wrong or right. It is a stupid statement so I wouldn't even bother with entertaining the OCD guy's input because it is like saying what is the best guitar, car, recording console etc...

From observation, Macs appear overpriced to folks who can't afford it much of the time which I find baffling since that drives much of the vitriol against a brand that holds its value well AND sounds good.

However Macintosh does appeal to a certain demographic; my friends and I call it the Harley Davidson of hi fi.

Good luck having a Harley go without servicing as long as a Mac does. The comparison is one i've heard before but not accurate given the build and reliability of Macs.