Tyler Timekeepers

Good morning everyone. Hope you all are well this fine day. 

I received a pair of Tyler Timekeepers on Thursday of last week, got them hooked up on Friday and enjoyed a weekend taking a listen, making adjustments to position, drinking coffee etc..

Without reservation I am over the moon with them. 

First the woodwork, fit and finish are beautiful. Mine are finished in Cherry. They have a soft and elegant yet solid appearance. They are swept back to some degree for time alignment. The top rear has an elegant curve to it. (I suspect helps with internal resonance and some rigidity). They are very solid and respond with a light thud when rapped. The grills are magnetic and look nice. (I prefer them removed both visually and musically)

They sound as beautiful as they look. Very musical, with plenty of detail. Not at all fatiguing. The sort of speaker that has me pulling out recordings I haven't listened to in a while. The highs are clear and sweet, mid is taught and dynamic. For a medium sized monitor there is decent mid-low end. (plenty of listening without my SVS sub). Male and female voice is perfect for me, as is horn and piano. Just effortless. The imaging and soundstage for me is the right combination of wide and realistic. I had to play with the position a bit to accomplish the depth, but when I got it right, I was thrilled. 

If you are looking for a unique alternative to the regular suspects this is a no brainer. Price point is right in the mix, in fact I wager you get a lot for the money here. You can choose an amazing array of finishes for your taste. As a bonus Tyler is awesome to deal with. Never seemed to get tired of all my questions. 

Live in NE Ohio, would not mind hosting folks considering these little gems. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433

Awesome!  Thanks for the input.  I am a speaker junkie, through and through and I’ve been very curious about these.  Magnepan 1.7i and the timekeepers are numbers 1 and 2 of the speakers I most want next.  Ty seems like a great guy as well.  He reminds me of my late Uncle.  Kind of a gentle giant.  I’ve spoke with him a few times at audio shows and he’s always pleasant to interact with.  

Anyhow, keep us posted and hopefully others who have them will chime in too and let us know what they think of the sound 😀



Ty was really great to deal with. Talk about customer service!

Im really interested in his other products as well.  He makes some pretty impressive looking towers. 

What did you own before these?

have always wanted to own something from Ty, such a good guy. 

Currently Klipsch Heresy lV sharing space in my mancave, they are cool and dynamic, but likely going up for sale. The Tyler’s just outshine them. I still have a pair of TDL compact monitors I just can’t part with. Somewhat similar to the Tyler’s, just not as engaging or sweet sounding. Prior to that a pair of NHT super towers that were just there, disappointing to me because I have fond memories of the original 1.5’s. Also a had a pair of TDL studio 1’s that I’ll regret selling until I’m gone from this earth. Darn it! Mission 760’s Rogers LS4’s that met an untimely death that I still mourn… From the audio shop I worked in back in the day I brought home briefly a pair of Tannoy DC 1000, mission 765, B&W’s.. there were also a pair of EV century 100a that I kick myself for not buying, they were very cool! 


Ask Tyler about his PD series of horn towers. Maybe you'll like them since you  like Heresy IV.

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