GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week

I was just informed that Coda's brand new model #16, which is based on the latest generation of improvements used in the #8, will be arriving later this week for review for The Stereo Times website.  Since the reviews I have done on the #8 amplifier and the 07x preamplifier, I have received numerous inquires when I'll get this piece in for review.

This beast of an amplifier, over hundred pounds with one of the largest power supplies in a single chassis design on the market, delivers 100 Class A before it crosses over into A/B. The Coda #8, is in my opinion, one of the best SS amps on the market for under ten grand.  I expect, based on the run Coda is on with their new generation of gear, that the #16 will be a beautiful musical performer.  We shall see! I still find it amazing based on build quality/performance that Coda's prices are so damn reasonable.  Yes, the #16 will retail for around 12K, not inexpensive.  However, I guarantee if this amplifier was manufactured by other high-end American or European companies it would be triple the price. If the #16 takes the already superlative performance of the #8 to another level, it will be truly a "killer" of an amplifier. 


My Coda 06x and 07x are excellent driving my active ATC100ASLT speakers. IMHO, Terry London did a great job describing the sonic characteristics of the 07x. Believe me, the ATCs will reveal any issues preceding them. I hear nothing but beautiful music whether using a Weiss DAC or my SME 20/3 table.

Coda amps don't have a switch for balanced or unbalanced. Just plug in your XLR or RCA cables and Bob's your uncle.


The Coda #16 has the RCA to XLR switch on the front. I have run it both ways on my 16.

@lancelock I think that means it's most likely balanced but I would check with Coda to be 100% sure.

As Lancelock mentioned the #16 has a switch on the front. My dealer used that as one reason for me to upgrade to the #16 from the #8. I had 2 preamps that I wanted to use. Though I just sold one preamp today. 

The CODA is balanced.