Interesting experience indeed that reflected a fact which can be verified here in Audiogon...
The ignorance of acoustic and psycho-acoustic science is proportionate to the perveived attention FOCUSING on the gear "tasted" sound...
People in acoustic experiment focus instead on timbre perception and music perception to create the best audiophile environment in their house/room/system...
Ignorance of acoustic is the common link among the subjectivist and objectivist complete underestimation of the power of acoustic control to deliver and TRANSLATE the recorded initial acoustic event in another acoustic event in your room ...
We listen to the seaker/room relation not to an amplifier ALONE....Or to a dac alone....
It is the reason why i dont feel i am a "normal" or the regular audiophile....
I dont mind about the gear after i chose a very good one to begin with... The audiophile work begin AFTER the gear is chosen... Upgrading is a deception BEFORE you can control the mechanical, electrical and acoustical embeddings working dimensions of the system...
I actually haven’t heard many systems. I attended a couple meetings of a local audiophile society and felt very out of place, as the emphasis was very much on gear. No-one wanted to talk about music.