That is what I thought! An owner posted he wanted to try Vcap Odams in his set? I started thinking perhaps the driver was concentric. Most sorry for my confusion.
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
Parameters (from Cube Audio):
Power: 40 W
Efficiency: 92 dB
Frequency response: 30Hz - 18kHz ( 6db)*
Dimensions: 30 x 50 x 105 cm
Weight: 40 Kg
The Nenuphar is single driver and crossoverless. Where would one utilize a capacitor in this speaker? Charles |
@jonwatches1 I auditioned the Voxativ Hagen speakers with a Voxativ sub driven by a Voxativ tube amp on three occasions--separate listening sessions at the same dealer, same set up. This was maybe 4 years ago, long before I had ever heard the Nenuphars, so it is obviously not a comparison. What bothered me at the time was an initially very attractive sound that I found fatiguing after about 20 minutes or so. I brought my own material in to play, same result. I found the highs to be forward and irritating on a lot of material. Could have been the digital front end (I don’t remember what that was), room, cables, etc. |
A bypass cap is just a smaller value cap that goes in parallel with a larger value to extend and purify the signal as large capacitors are inductive (therefore not as pure or as extended as a smaller cap). There is no cap in the Nenuphar. If you bypassed the driver (across the hot and negative) you would be adding a filter. A no no. What you want is to enhance the driver.....not diminish it. Ground Enhancer, Bybee thang....hard wiring to the voice coil wire, better wire, eliminating the rear binding posts......these enhance the speaker. |