Wanting to upgrade my streaming sound quality.

I would really like to get my streaming sq up to my analog sq. My equipment is a McIntosh MC 452, C47, TD 124 with an AT 150 SA on a SME M2-9 tone arm, a Rega P8 with an Alpheta 3, a restored MR 74 tuner, driving Aerial 7t speakers. My streaming now is an iPad with a usb cable into my preamp with Tidal. I would be willing to spend around $2500 . A one box solution would be preferable for a steamer/dac combo although two boxes could also work. I’m not interested in multiple clocks and separate power supplies etc. Also I don’t use CD’s for a source.  I do have AT&T fiber internet with up to 1000 mb speed and my modem is only around 5 feet from my audio rack. Balanced inputs is preferable but not a deal breaker. I’ve looked at the HiFi Rose 250 and the 150 although the latter is more money than I want to spend. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m an Analog guy in a digital world.



I’d consider a modern integrated streaming solution to start and go from there. Many vendors have good return policies so no harm in trying. Let the experts do the optimized integration for you if not up to have to dabble over time to find the right thing. It may be right out there just waiting for you to enjoy streaming right away and not have to figure it all out from scratch.

Ah yes, the HiFi Rose gear is a great place to start....

I’m evaluating a Cambridge evo 150 currently. Getting a feel for what it can do and what it might replace here:


Sound Chaser | Virtual Listening Room (audiogon.com)


Off to a pretty good start....

@gphill Crutchfield? Seriously?


Download the Rose app to your iPad.

Pair the Rose remote.

Step 0 only for RS150) Connect the bluetooth dongle to the ‘BT dongle’ port of RS150.

Step 1) Look at the screen. Touch shape at the top of the screen.

Step 2) Turn on Bluetooth.

Step 3) Press and hold HOME button and MENU button(the one with three lines) on your bluetooth remote control for a while, until the red light stops blinking.

Step 4) Touch ‘Device Search’ on top of the screen.

Step 5) You will see ‘ROSE RCU’ under ‘Scanned device’. Touch ‘ROSE RCU’.

Step 6) You will see ‘ROSE RCU’ under ‘Paired Devices’. Touch ‘ROSE RCU’.

Step 7) If ‘ROSE RCU’ turns gold, that’s it.



Don’t get frustrated. PM me with any additional questions. The 150 is an amazing product.


@mapman Had the Evo 150 for about a month. I was in the same boat trying to consolidate a bunch of gear. Tremendous amount of experience with Hypex, so know the nCore stuff really well. Probably would have kept it if it had the Purifi modules. Didn’t spend enough time to eval StreamMagic.

Can’t say that the M33 is 2K better, but it looks like one of the best stand alones to date (even with some of its bass management issues). I also had the M10, Lygndorf 3400.

I moved to Rose to enable some flexibility on amplification. Lots of movement with GaN based stuff.

Fun times....



Mbolek, OMG thank you so much. I have the remote and my iPad paired now. I have no idea what I was doing before. Going to try and play some music. Have to get the Rose volume or gain synced up to my preamp now.