Funnily enough, quadratic diffusion for me anyway, seemed to open up my room sonically.
So I’ve read, in a small room where the boundaries will not allow for quadratic diffusion angles to fully develop, binary amplitude diffusion (BAD) with absorption is a winner. On quadratic diffusion there is a minimum distance where the diffusion angles have opened up the different frequencies, there’s charts and graphs and such available.
GIK for example have diffusion / absorption panels, acting in a similar manner to BAD panels, which can be totally DIY with plans available online (BAD plans online, not GIK plans).
This may be the way I go with my ceiling at first reflection point, and I have also seen a BAD with a curve in it, adding further more diffusion, but also in a reasonably predictable way. A 2D pattern is created using primary numbers for the holes in a BAD.
It may not necessarily make the room sound significantly or exactly like a larger room, but it can make it react not like the small room it is by removing flutter echo and the likes. In a larger room reflections bounce across the room and interact with the sound energies, this is artificially achieved through quadratic diffusion, the frequencies are cut up and fanned out, developing in a smaller space that which a larger room does. It’s the lower frequencies where this simply cannot happen with diffusion, there’s no getting around this, that I know of? But then, aren't lower frequencies considered non directional? However the long waveforms (low frequency) simply don't fully develop in a small room, there's not enough distance.
I have just built six folded well diffusers, and I have to temporarily install them to be able to tell what they’re going to do in my room. As space is a real issue for many of us, the shallow depth of the folded well diffuser, combined with the shorter working distance of the devices made it an easy choice for trial in my room.

At four inches deep, with a fully developed working distance of 5 1/2 feet, this could work behind the speakers on the front wall without taking up too much real estate.
And without compromising a suitable listening position, there is a reasonably broad frequency range (mine are 40mm = 307 - 7503Hz) they work at.
These are all straight cuts, all DIY, and I’m not handyman genius I assure you, anyone in here can make these.
I’ve decided to get diffusion done first, measurements, then absorption based upon measurements. After Mike Levigne’s music session, I was sold on diffusion, which is all he has - it’s incredible, really.

With my limited room, I’m running cables under the big 17" deep QRD17 diffusers, but on the sides laid up against the wall, those are the folded well diffusers finished.
If you’re on a budget, and have any (I do mean any) handy man skills these are pretty damned easy to build, there’s Youtube videos as well. However, again I will say in a small listening room the back wall, representing the most first reflection energies coming off speakers, I’d certainly suggest BAD diffusion with absorption built in.
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