The right amount of balance between reflection which is necessaary at some spot in small room and between absorption and the importance of diffusion and the right balance in the right spot...
Diffusers are completely underestimated indeed like said Rick and Lavigne...
I use mainly tubes with a filtering cloth for diffusion ....And anyway there is a variable content on my wall with irregularities, like a library in 2 of my walls with many various reflective and diffusive content and geometry...
And in a small room the goal is not big nor small imaging sound filling room but disapearance of the speakers and of the walls geometrical inconvenience...Because you could have imaging and reflections problems with distortions all over the place also...:Like clearthinker say above...
In my room a square of 13 feet with 8 feet high, one of the speakers is a few inches in a wall corner , enscounced in it?
is it not completely bad?
Yes it is....
Then why did i feel no acoustical negative behaviour with this very bad location of one of the speakers?
Right treatment balance will not do the job here...Nor plenty of diffusers...It takes me Helmholtz resonators and my tubular Helmholtz diffusers to make the wall corner where my speakers is captive to disapear....Modification of the pressure zones distribution in my room...
i succeed...
By the way my last discovery was the useof a twofold pliable screen behind my regular listening location... With difusive and reflective devices and the right amount of absorbtion also... This was extraordinary idea for me because it give me the last acoustical cue i was longing for to beat my 7 headphones : intimacy like with headphone without loosing any soundstage , imaging, natural timbre experience and listener envelopment...
My last device is this twofold screen acoustic tool which also support 10 Helmholtz resonators and diffusers of various size but near 6 feet....
Intimacy is an acoustic quality rarely associated with speakers listening....I read about it nowhere why?
But it is one of the greatest to enjoy....For me....
Also i use 3 type of ionization devices at low cost... ( save one which is useful for other medical utilization and cost me 100 bucks)
Also i always enjoy my Schumann chinese low cost resonators grid at very low cost..
All these too numerous devices, all of them play their role in the acoustic results...
The most important impactful one are the Helmholtz devices resonators and diffusers though...