Class-A Amplification and 15 Amp Outlet

Pardon my electrical theory ignorance, but I have always been intrigued by the beauty of Class - A sound, as such, I am actively exploring a purchase. My question is based upon the power draw (even at idle) and the ability of a 15 Amp wall outlet to provide such without tripping. I have looked at the "big boys" from Pass XA160’s, Gryphons Essence Stereo & Antileon EVO to name a few. I do not have the option of installing a dedicated circuit in my unit. So, would I be ok if the electronics (including a DAC/preamp) were on the same circuit?



I've owned Class-A amps most of my life, kinda my jam.  I currently use a pair of Pass XA160.5, which I've had for quite awhile.  Probably have owned at least a dozen different Class-A amps, along with others.

Never a problem with any of the Class-A amps and I have only ever had a 15 amp circuit.

The only amp I can remember tripping a breaker was my Belles 350 Reference, (pre soft-start circuit).  That damn thing would trip the breaker every time.  Had to leave the power switch on, then reset the breaker to turn it on.

@noske Just to be clear, I am not suggesting using a lamp cord to power your amp.  I use 10ga power cords.  I have a dedicated 10ga power circuit to my audio system.  My point is that the average power consumption by your amp, mine pulls 400 watts to produce 35 wpc, is irrelevant when sizing the power supply to your amp.  --Jerry

I have Pass Labs Xa100.8 mono blocks. Installed 3 dedicated power lines. One for each mono block and the third for my digital gear. Made a big difference. Amps sound better.

Fwiw- If your considering a class A amp Id run it directly into the wall. I find that conditioners mess with the dynamics on power hungry amps.