Recommended integrated amplifier for upgrade

Hi, i am searching for suitable integrated amplifier to match/pair with my Sonus Faber Concertino Domus, my current integrated amplifier is Krell KAV-400xi.which is about 15 years old.

My sound preference is towards slight warm, wider stage with music genres of jazz, classical, new age music, and few jazz vocals.

Shortlisted few integrated amplifiers like Accuphase E-280, Luxman L-505uxii, McIntosh MA5300, 

What is your recommended integrated amplifier which is 'best pair' to provide Sonus Faber house sound?  .


Is you have around $6k very natural ,not too warm and the most current capabilities for control,and largest potted transformer in any integrated under$25 k with 3 amplifier choices with up to 18 wpc in pure class A  in the U.S A , Made for over 35 years Coda CSIB integrated amp.

these guys started out Waay back working as engineers with Nelson Pass

until he went solo around 1995,  10 year warranty ,5 year transferrable .

I recommend Audio Reseach… Luxman is also a good consideration. Unless, you only listen to rock I wouldn’t think of Mac. There are two “known pairings” with SF, Audio Research and MAC.

I have now owned three pair of Sonus Faber: Cremona, Olympica 3, and now Amati Traditional. With Audio Research you get a large soundstage, with great details and fully bloomed midrange and bass… incredibly musical. With Mac you get lots of midrange and more bass, minus the details, (my system under my ID… you can see my love of Audio Research).


I have heard the  VSi75 a number of times… it is so emotionally involving and simply beautiful to listen to… I want to buy one… but I have no where to use it. If I were you I would find a way to listen to it. From your description of what you want, this would be it… either you will buy it on the spot, or move on to Luxman.

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