Favorite Preamps without phono section

Just looking for any quality recommended preamps without any phono section.    I use one of my 2 phono preamps exclusively (mostly my Herron VTPH-2A).   And I use the DACs in my Oppo — 2 ESS Technology ES9038PRO DACs.

Really just looking to see if it’s worth seeking out a preamp that maximizes sonic quality/purity, without any wasted feature-sets that add cost, take up space & add weight, complicate the circuit path(s), etc.




Just some info...These preamps w/o phono sections are referred to as " line stages ". Cartridges do not output enough voltage to operate at line level. I gave up on preamps a long time ago, as I am strictly passive. Passive works very well for me, totally based on " system matching ". We all need a reality check sometimes. Every piece of gear we buy, has a tonality, a character, a certain level of both quality of detail, and presentation. Enjoy ! MrD.

Audio Research, Audio Research, Audio Research… oh, to be fair, also, Conrad Johnson, Cary, and VAC. I guess Luxman should be considered as well. 

I own the Motherlode II,and the Unlimited. Wonderful preamps,and Aric is great to work with. Although,the OP really should state a budget,sonic requirements as well.

Demo listen to confirm the pre will open your amplifier, which is the most important point. Another question, is the details you get from the listen. I am extremely love the pre with detail.