Made in japan - Deep Purple

When playing live, Blackmore was always stage right and Lord stage left. I noticed Richie and Jon are reversed on the vinyl. I have an old Mcintosh pre in for service, that has a stereo reverse mode, and guess that's the only way to listen correctly. 


I had a similar experience, and the wonderful McIntosh Reverse Stereo saved the day.

We saw Hot Sardines live, amazing 

big stage, main line: tuba far left, horns progressing l to r, bass, drums center slightly behind the horn line, piano far right

front, tap dancer slightly off center left, singer slightly off center right

Then I bought this double album (also terrific, live from Joe's Pub, NYC and Live from Toronto, Canada). I highly recommend this LP.


Piano left, horns right, everything reversed.

Turned out, Donna had been to the show at Joe's Pub, and the narrower stage was a jumble of players. indeed piano left.

After knowing that, and getting used to the LP's, I am able to listen as recorded.

You can tell the difference between sites (they are mixed up) by the imaging width, Toronto a wider stage, and deeper hall.

It's a common phenomena especially with some R&R recordings.

If one were to imagine a typical live band setup, the drummer is center in the band lineup onstage.

A right handed drummer will go thru his kit left to right-right being his floor toms.

If you're facing a band you should hear the drummer centered with the high hat off center/right. A carless/bad mastered recording  flip this imaginary "soundstage" 

If I'm listening to an album like this, I will switch the IC's. My OCD won't allow me to listen to it otherwise.

The worst offenders are the recordings with the drum kit in just one channel.

I got the preamp back from service and reversed the soundstage. All is well in Hooterville again.