
How often should these be replaced in Wilson Sophia 1s?  Purchased these in March ‘19 and did not inquire into whether they had ever been swapped out.  Is there a great benefit to this?


Not sure those above that said don’t change have ever owned Wilson’s but maybe have. The resistors you are referring to are not in the crossover, but resistors used as a fuse to protect the tweeter and drivers. They do weaken in time if they’re played hard. The ones dealers and Wilsons recommends are the tweeter and midrange driver; the bass resistors likely do not need replaced. There’s a panel to access these as the components in the crossover are potted so you’re not getting to those. I have not replaced the resistors on my WP6’s and they sound great. My dealer is looking at the cost for the tweeter and midrange which I might change out. Go through a dealer as they may help you out on the cost if you have a history with them.

visually, you can see a transistor that has bone bad, you will know when you see one.

otherwise they last forever, most of mine from the 1960's are good, a handful replaced, cheap, easy solder job..

typical +/- 5% of their stated value in the old days, now +/- 2%,

can you hear the difference?

Thanks adg101 - didn't know Wilson used resistors for fuses. You are correct I haven't owned any. No one I know uses "fuses" in series with any of their drivers.

I think I responded similarly to another poster a while back and was told this is a recommended PM by wilson.