@unreceivedogma - the Don’t Worry Be Happy approach to fine listening
Ha! Do a search of AudiogoN for "Don’t Worry, Be Happy".You’ll see, it’s also been my philosophy for years. It’s simple, but liberating...
Yes, tweaking your system might also include tweaking your audio/psychological apparatus.
[Just exactly how this is successfully done is, I fear, not something that might be easily found on any psychiatrist couch or in any self-help book].
The Role of Psychological Factors in the Evaluation of Audio Products By: Laurence A. Borden | July 2004
"Psychologists posit that evaluation is a comparison process in which consumers:
1) hold pre-consumption expectations,
2) observe product performance and compare the performance to their expectations,
3) form confirmation or disconfirmation perceptions (did the equipment perform as expected?), and then 4) form summary judgments.
Translating this into English, and relating it to audiophilia, this means that when listeners audition a piece of gear, they: compare the sound to what they expected, decide whether the gear fails to meet, meets, or exceeds those expectations, and then arrive at conclusions about the gear."