Can the top end of a PrimaLuna Evo integrated be tamed w/tube rolling?

This weekend I have a PrimaLuna Evo 3 as a house guest to compare with my Supernait 3 solid state integrated. Both are about the same price, basically tube vs solid state. I am a big fan of the Naim PRaT but I also find the depth and transparency of tubes very engaging. The Evo integrated on its own lacks the rhythm and pace of the Naim but it does have transparency and imaging in spades.

So the idea is maybe run an Evo 3 preamp instead along with a Naim 250 (or just use the amp section of the Supernait).

But one problem I cannot get over is that there is a very fatiguing high end to the Evo 3. Cymbals, snare drums, top edge of distorted guitars, etc are pretty harsh at any volume higher than background music. To compare, my vintage Luxman valve preamp into the SN3 does not have this quality (but it lacks the refinement of the PrimaLuna).

It would be ideal to do some tube rolling to get the best of all worlds... is there a tube selection that could work with the Evo preamp that would tame the harsher high end and smooth out the sound a little bit on top? Or is this just a part of the PrimaLuna signature?
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I have the PrimaLuna Evo 100 int/amp, and love it. The smoothest sound I've gotten out of it yet is using the reissue Mullard EL34's and reissue Mullard 12au7's + 12ax7"s. I've never heard a Naim, so I don't know how that compares.

Let me share my experience. I have an older cornwall powered by Primaluna (telefunken tubes, the brimars were bright for my system). When I changed all the crossover caps to Mundorf mcap evo oil, that tamed the highs. Then I recently bought Cornwall IV, I noticed that the highs were bright. I have room treatments so the 1st thing I did was changed the amp to marantz 2270. The brightness were gone with the tone controls even at high volume. The next thing I did was bought gold lion 12au7 from upscale for the 2 fronts and that tamed the primaluna/cornwall IV combo. I am happy with how it sounds right now. 

@audiophile168 So, you are saying new reissue GL 12Au7s "tamed it" and yet vintage Brimars did not, before? Did you remove the Telefunkens too? And, Yes, the Mundorfs caps can help even more after they form and settle in past 100-200hrs or more. Is there something else going on here, maybe over time. Did you A) change cables or anything else just before or around the time you added the new GL 12Au7s? Or, B) just removed the Telefunken and removed the Brimar and added GL Au7 tubes only (and that cured it for you)?   IMO, It would be good to share more who’ll follow you on this and the EVO amps, preamps.

I always thought and read the EVO amps were kinda soft to begin with using their stock tubes. Will be good to get your added feedback if there is more to share.  

I had prologue and dialog PL gear.  The stock tubes took 100+ hours to break in, and subsequent rolling of the AX/AU small tubes with NOS was well worth it, though more waiting for break in before they too smoothed out.