Wavelength Brick

I just ordered one for audition. Curious to hear from anyone and everyone who has experience with Wavelength and their products.

Just for background of my system, I am going to stream from a Mac Mini, to a VTl 5.5 Preamp to a Krell 2250, to B&W Nautilus 803's.

My overall goal was to simplify, but not lose any of the fidelity potential of my system. I want to pull some good detail out of my system. That goal has led me on quite a journey, that ended with the inevitable expense of trying to accomplish it. There are very few products worth buying in this space in the market, and the ones that are worth it, are expensive. I was thinking about the Cosecant, but I prefer to work in pragmatic steps and at least audition the Brick first, if it is sufficient, then I keep it. If it lacks, I move to the next step. From what I read I shouldn't be disappointed...

Would love to hear from people who have experience..
It is designed to be left on the charger when not in use. I suspect the Socket is hardly being drained by the Opticis as the warning light has never come on.
So are you saying you haven't had to charge it? How often do you charge it? Is the ongoing maintenance something to consider?
No. I;m saying that it is always recharged with its recharging unit when not being used. I'm also saying that I have never depleated the unit with hours of use.
Ok, thanks Steve. That makes sense. I think it is a worth while investment in an effort to completely isolate.

I will move one step at a time; this week the cable come so I will see if that make a difference for me, then go from there.