I heard a costly system from Esoteric.

2 days ago I was able to audition an Esoteric audio system. It consisted of the following:

Esoteric F-05 (Class A/B) integrated amplifier

Esoteric K-03 - CD/SACD Player

Over the years, I’ve been a vintage audio guy and I’m also into headphones. Someone told me that listening to an integrated amp with headphones (6.3mm) will give you an idea about how sound quality from the amp translates over speakers. I’ve found this to be very true in practice.

I gave it a go - with the NAD HP50, KEF M500, and some other (more) high-end headphones the store had. Currently, I only have the NAD’s and KEF’s, but I’ve owned dozens of high-end headphones in the past. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed. Please allow me to explain without calling me a liar. It’s nothing personal, just my impressions!

There was considerably less drive/power behind the headphones. For instance, you would literally feel the bouncing air on the cups on closed-back headphones. Literally the same as a headphone dongle with a small amount (in mW of output power). In each song I listened to, I heard familiar details, but it was glossed over by a very sharp and peaky midrange and treble. There was clearly a boost in these frequencies. Bass was anemic. Normally, with high-power headphone amps and even some vintage integrated amps (high-end back in the 90s with 0.09 or less THD etc.), I got the detail with the sonic finesse. In other words, everything the Esoteric amp and CD player did together, I’ve already heard before. It simply pushed mid-treble frequencies to the forefront.

And the cost for this system? 13 Grand for the CD Player. And at least 10 Grand or slightly more for the amp. So 23 grand or slightly more with taxes factored in.

For this kind of money, if they are including a 6.3mm port for headphone listening, shouldn’t it be optimized? Afterall, if you’re going to include that in an amp, make sure it sounds good! I’ve heard headphone systems costing much, much, much, less that sounded better.

My last disappointment was the CD skip - track seeking function. It was very slow. Even some vintage CD players had a skip function where you hold  down the track change/skip button and the numbers move like a stopwatch. On the K-03, it was by the second, or a few seconds at a time. And I had to press the play button again, rather than simply seeking the part of the song I want to listen to.

Source: high-quality CD’s that I burned with .wav files (familiar songs, and original CD’s from my CD collection)

Don’t get upset, Esoteric owners. Feel free to share your impressions without getting mad at me. I know this is a touchy subject; since the object of one’s desire (especially after spending this much money) should be justified!


@ jackhifi

Manufacturers often stretch the "dual mono" thing.

The Esoteric makes the claim as do others, that because they separate sound boards and/or caps wired separately from the one transformer, it gives them the right to make the statement.

Where there is an egregious flight from truth is "dual mono at every stage" implication. If that were true, then the amp would have 2 separate power cords, toroidal transformers, power supply capacitors, and main circuitry. Basically it would be like "monos" in one box but truly separated "at every stage".


Not sure what your intention is - to build an end-game system for headphone OR loudspeakers? You own a dozen headphones and you chose a integrated amplifier. You should know better (by now, with your experience) that a dedicated headphone amp would do a better job, since it is meant to do that.

The only think I can think of about the slow read times for the Esoteric K-03 is that it is an older product OR it is somehow making sure that the "seek" do not mess the timings. I could be completely off. But I used to have an older Marantz SA-8260 that behave exactly like what you describe. Great sound but slow seek times.

High price does not necessarily translate to high performance. Now-a-days even products from PRC costs $$$$. So make sure that you spend time and effort to evaluate the stuff you are buying. I spent 2.5 years to find the right loudspeakers for me.

BTW, I don't own a single piece of Esoteric. So making sure that you make the best possible judgement when you are buying an end-game system.

For what it's worth, I have experience of all the Esoteric CD player lines from the Grandioso downwards. They are superb sounding machines. The current XD models which have the newer Atlas transport mechanism and the Master Sound Discrete DAC are a substantial improvement on the previous generation of players. They are extremely natural sounding - very much like a good analogue front end, without the shortcomings of vinyl playback*. For people with large CD/SACD collections, we are fortunate that Esoteric is still continuing to support disc based playback in invest their R&D budget in it. *By which I mean the variable quality of vinyl pressings.

I think the OP is trying to say for the kind of dosh  that Esoteric charges, you ought to get a decent headphone amp. The OP seems oblivious to the numerous posters who point out that some companies don’t really care about the headphone amp. Does this make their products “Bad Value”? Probably. However, people that can afford to buy an Esoteric stack aren’t licking S&H Green Stamps. If they want headphones they are willing to shell out for a separate headphone amp, perhaps from a different manufacturer.

Complaining about Esoteric being bad value is like complaining about a Rolls Royce expense because a Ford Focus can do the same thing as the Rolls. My brief listening to Esoteric Gear didn’t make me want to take out another mortgage to replace my setup, but I did appreciate that the Esoteric is quality stuff and if someone else wants purchase it, no skin off my nose

I had auditions with the 509 and 590 luxman integrated and wanted to love them. Despite the specs they didn’t drive any of the tested speakers well.  Went to a dealer to make a potential audio research integrated but the demo sold before unboxing.  Sales set me up with esoteric f03 and Fyne audio speakers.  Only knew the esoteric name and knew nothing of its circuitry, or specs.  Just wanted that natural non hi fi sound at home.  The mc phono stage handles my lomc with ease.   My last headphones other than noise cancellation were Lafayette criterion’s.   That little headphone plug in the f03 may convince me to drop some coins on headphones.