Help CDP over vinyl upgrade advice please

The last few years I have been keen on vinyl, as I found even my mid-level TT (Denon 62L with DL103R) to better the sound I get from my CDP and most CD material. I'm using two systems- switched at will from several sources. One system is Altec 604D drivers in vintage teakwood cabinets pushed by 300B SET. The other is smaller Dynaudio monitors driven by EL34 push-pull. Subwoofer used mostly with the Altecs.

I find the vinyl rig to outshine my trusty old Sony X7esd cdp and would like to know if a suitable upgrade to close the gap is available. I also use a Sony sacd rig- the sa-333 I think it is- it is quite improved in sacd format- but can't redbook quality be better? Main advancements desired are better dynamics , also a more 'live and dimensional' sound. My main beef with most cd's is a lack of interest. I put them on and then lose interest ;-)

Looking to spend under $1200-1500 either used or new to get results. Hoping for a quantum leap forward, otherwise I'll probably stay on the vinyl trail.

Have I bumped into the old cd vs vinyl differences? or can a better CDP be attained with todays tech improvements?

CDP must be front loader not top. Any thoughts on the tubed CDP's currently available?

Thanks for your help...
All I can say is I’m looking for the same thing, and I’m slowly realizing that there is no such animal, or you will have to spend a lot more for a CD player and even then they still sound compress and cold next to a properly setup turn table. I already have a tube CD player and a good one IMHO and the turn table is CLEARLY more smoother, open and more detail etc. than the CD player. Just my 2 cents. I wish you luck.
Look for a used Audio Aero Prima. Should be right in your price range. Its a tubed unit that (I feel) leans toward a more analog presentation, detailed but not "digital"
Any DIY capabilities? If so, then you can mod many. I would suggest a good transport and then go for a DAC. Many are hot for the Cambridge Audio 840. I like the Eastern Electric MiniMax CDP with tube output; I also use the Arcam CD73, which you can usually find used for $400-you could give the Arcam a try and see if it improves over your Sony for starters, and if not, sell it without a $$$ loss.
Your only option is to buy something used like maybe a Sony scd777es and have it modded and even then you will be at twice your budget. Otherwise forget it in your price range it doesn't exist. Stay where you are.

I have the opposite dilema I have not found vinyl I like. My modded scd-1 is my sonic bliss and I am staying put. I have considered buying something just to play my 150+ lps and settle for what I get.

In the end I think one likes what one likes and thats all there is to it. I went digital in the early 90's and never went back. The blackness of the background just pulled me in and I could never stand the pops and clicks of vinyl.
