Your only option is to buy something used like maybe a Sony scd777es and have it modded and even then you will be at twice your budget. Otherwise forget it in your price range it doesn't exist. Stay where you are.
I have the opposite dilema I have not found vinyl I like. My modded scd-1 is my sonic bliss and I am staying put. I have considered buying something just to play my 150+ lps and settle for what I get.
In the end I think one likes what one likes and thats all there is to it. I went digital in the early 90's and never went back. The blackness of the background just pulled me in and I could never stand the pops and clicks of vinyl.
I have the opposite dilema I have not found vinyl I like. My modded scd-1 is my sonic bliss and I am staying put. I have considered buying something just to play my 150+ lps and settle for what I get.
In the end I think one likes what one likes and thats all there is to it. I went digital in the early 90's and never went back. The blackness of the background just pulled me in and I could never stand the pops and clicks of vinyl.