
Meanwhile, China is loving this idea. I hope this goes no further than Saudi Arabia.

I believe this was the plan all along. Africa, South America, Central America, and all of Asia will agree to trade in non-US currencies. Europe and Canada will fall in line after that happens. America will be isolated. 

Prof, if you purchase Russian tubes and they are restocked via China, as mentioned in a post above, you should consider if you might be supporting the Russian economy by doing so.


No, the Russian tubes simply won't be getting to our shores at this point.  Purchasing the existing Russian tubes from local vendors does not mean you have supported Russia or that Russian tubes will be restocked.  It's supporting local vendors who are STUCK with that product!   We'd only be hurting local vendors and that's it.

It seems you also want us to not purchase any Chinese tubes either?  Well that's pretty much it for tubes then.  I guess you are fine with many of the long time tube vendors going out of business?    Nobody can use their tube amps anymore?

Should we boycott everything from China?  (Good luck).  Boycot everything from anywhere that is doing ANYTHING wrong?  (That will be almost every country).

It makes more sense to focus actions during ACUTE emergencies on that which will actually have some direct effect.   Not purchasing the current local vendor stock of Russian tubes may make you feel better, but it wouldn't do ANYTHING to help Ukrainians. 




You are probably right. Prime reserve currency gives this country (or any other) a LOT of advantages.

Bad news/good news: Looks now like China may help Russia complete their current military project. The only possible motivation is their dislike of the USA.

The good news? I think JJ tubes come from Slovakia.

Nobody should feel bad about acquiring tubes for personal use in their expensive tube gear. I honestly don't care where they came from, or who gets the money. Good grief.