Limited soundstage between speakers

No matter what the source, the soundstage in my system remains within the width of the speakers. I read with envy of systems which extend the soundstage outside the speaker boundaries. Is this a problem with my speakers, amplification, room boundaries or something else?

What change should I make to improve the soundstage?

gyrodec/shelter 501/exposure 3010s2d/ spendorA6



Well,I guess I like the distortion that causes the illusion of expanded soundstage. I have no problem with that. 

Mahgister, What a rude post!

Who really knows what you hear in your room besides yourself and I fail to see anything in soix’s post that comments on you or your subjective beliefs. Some of what you have set forth in this thread and some others I’ve read makes good sense, but much of what you have said is so lacking in specifics as to make your post(s) incomprehensible. Clearly what soix has said is correct. You should research this subject more carefully and not just rely on your empirical conclusions and fire off such a self aggrandizing post.

For experimental sake just move your listening chair forward until you get the soundstage you are looking for. From that position optimize your speakers forward and back from the front wall. As the speaker move forward the stage should improve but at the expense of bass. Now move back and do the same thing again except move the speakers wider. You’ll finally get to a point that you start to lose the sound stage by just optimizing the placement in your room.

After you’ve reached the best it can be in your room you can start with acoustic enhancements. Simple things like throwing a blanket over your flat screen makes a difference after you’ve optimized the room. There are lots of articles on the interweb about how to determine room interaction but for me without optimization it's hard to determine what acoustic enhancements are actually doing. 

Both my ¢s so take it for what it’s worth

99.9% of music should appear between or at the speaker.  That's just physics.  There could be room reflections causing the appearance of sounds outside the speakers but that would be unfortunate.  As mentioned, using out of phase recordings can cause a sound to appear outside the speaker span. 

Roger Waters amused to death has a few such recordings.  Try listening to that ans you should hear some sounds outside the span of the speakers. 
